Your little friend from the art world
When LALi was still a girl, she liked to knit small dolls following instructions from a magazine. This early memory and the typical Waldorf dolls without face details which are supposed to nurture the imagination, inspired her to create the soft and wooly DOLLYMATE. Unlike the Waldorf models they do have eyes and the characteristics of famous personalities like Vincent van Gogh, Gustav Klimt and his cat or Napoleon as portrayed by Jaques Louis David. Other than a cheap souvenir DOLLYMATE is a nicely made and sustainable memento carrying the energy of your moments at the museum and the adventures on your trip to Vienna. Take it home or to new places as your protective spirit!

The joy of pureness
The body of DOLLYMATE is knitted from extremely soft merino wool made of sheer fibres from Tasmania, the green paradise in the Indian Ocean with its untouched natural areas. Mild climate and pure air are ideal conditions for the free-living sheep of the small Montacute-Farm. Our partners from Atelier Zitron manufacture this precious material in Germany, where soil texture and animal welfare are getting verified and good labour conditions are ensured.
That is what in LALi’s understanding is luxury – for us and our planet: A wool we can continously retrace back to the happily living sheep.
Nice not only on the outside
DOLLYMATE is padded with alpaca wool and lavender from Lebenshilfe Ausseerland, a non-profit service organisation for people with disabilities. The alpacas live there as therapy animals and need to be fleeced from time to time. The lavender is grown and harvested in their own garden.
A doll with a warm heart and the scent of summer!
The magic of a doll
Sabia and some colleagues of hers are knitting the bodies of DOLLYMATE as an outwork. In Turkey, where they come from, textile handicraft is a long and important tradition that allows them to bring their experience and the skills they learned from their mothers and grandmothers into the fabrication of the dolls. And the dolls give them back their magic power – to earn their own money even while taking care of the kids, improving their quality of living and strengthen their autonomy.
Finally, every DOLLYMATE gets it’s personal touch: the stitched and sewed details like eyes, hair and beards are made by LALi herself.

Was wir für dich haben …
Die Natur braucht Zeit, um jene Pflanzen wachsen zu lassen, aus deren Fasern unsere Kleidung besteht. Menschen brauchen Zeit, um diese Fasern zu ernten und sie in vielen aufwändigen Arbeitsschritten zu verarbeiten, bis wir sie als fertiges Stück im Laden kaufen können. Natur und Mensch brauchen Zeit, um sich zu erholen.
In der fast fashion wird schneller produziert, als es diesem Tempo entspricht. Darunter leiden am Ende wir alle.